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The Maharishi Global Archives and Collections MIU Depository is located in the MIU Library in Fairfield, Iowa. It contains more than 20,000 documents and 3,500 hours of audio and video tapes concerning the development of human consciousness and the history of the University and TM Organization.

The Archive’s mission is to preserve and protect publications, recordings, information and artifacts of enduring historical, educational and illuminating value. It also duplicates and shares a broad range of appropriate holdings in digital form with researchers, faculty, students and the public at large.

Read the fascinating article about the Archives in the 2019 MIU University Report.

Enjoy the Archive's Inaugural Course

In this eleven-lesson online course, Dr. John Boncheff presents some of the rarest papers, books, and talks by Maharishi from the newly-acquired collections of the Maharishi Global Archives at MIU. The course fee is the discounted rate of $75 during this coronavirus time.  Sign up here!    Or find out more about the course here!   View the first lesson here.

Or, if you’ve already signed up, please view the course here.

Share your Collection

If you have a private collection with rare or unique items, we encourage you to share it with the Archives and our users. Materials donated directly will be professionally preserved, maintained and shared. If you prefer to retain ownership of certain precious items, consider loaning them temporarily for high quality digital duplication and sharing online. A number of valuable collections have already been received, including the Debby and Jerry Jarvis Collection,  the Verrill collection, and others.

For more information about preserving and sharing your treasures for future generations, please contact Gail Crotta at

Volunteer at the Archives

The stream of newly arriving collections requires an enormous amount of organizing,  cataloging, preserving and publishing of historic media and documents. Anyone willing to pitch in and help with their time is welcome and greatly appreciated. It is inspiring, educational and deeply gratifying work. Please contact Gail Crotta at Thank you!

Please Donate

Maharishi Global Archives and Collections (MGAC) is not currently funded by any other organization. All our financial support comes from private donors. Given the recent surge of historic material received, we have an urgent need to purchase more archival preservation materials like acid free boxes, folders and envelopes. These materials are expensive and we need a lot of them.

Other projects in need of funding are:

  • Website Development and Maintenance:  Websites are currently under development to become the online window into the Archive’s holdings. As particularly interesting tapes, vintage photographs and rare early books by Maharishi are unearthed and digitized, we plan to make them available here. MGAC’s  intention is to make public as much material as we can to support both research and outreach.
  • Searchable Online Database:  Generous donations have allowed us to acquire a new, color Bookeye 4 high speed scanner and software. The Bookeye can scan 400 pages an hour while automatically formatting and restoring documents and images.  It also creates word-searchable capabilities for all documents and transcripts. This offers exciting new possibilities for duplicating, organizing and accessing Maharishi’s complete body of knowledge preserved in the extensive written and recorded holdings of the Archive and other depositories.
  • Reading Room: MGAC wishes to create a local reading room in the MIU Library for studying and viewing original materials. The Reading Room will inspire student and faculty research and serve as a site for revolving exhibits and displays.
  • Shows and Exhibits: The Archive plans to create regular displays and curated shows on campus for everyone to enjoy.